Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Packing List:

  • Pillow
  • Sleeping bag
  • swearshirt
  • rain jacket
  • rain boots
  • running shoes
  • my phone 
  • toothbrush
  • car
  • hand warmers
  • tanktops and shorts
  • hair ties
  • tent
  • rope 
  • gun 
  • knife
  • food 
  • water
  • first aid kit

Temperate Deciduous Forest:

The month is september, the last month of my trip. My destination is japan. Japan has four distinct seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter.  Plants include the white oak, white pine, the lady fern and the american beach. Animals include things like the american blad eagle, american black bear, cayote and many other things.  
I decide to do things in japan like shop, since japan is fun for those kinds of things. Ever though i shop i still do fun things like attend amusement parks, fairs and just relax. Being in the deciduous forest is just like being at my house.

Boreal Forest:

The month is august, i am in canada again.The climate is cold, the temperature almost never goes higher than 5 degrees Celsius. Many plant species are found in the Taiga, but carnivores trees are a dominant plant form. the animals range from the Siberian Tiger to a lynx. More animals include elk to red dear.
During my travels i did things than the things i did in canada the last time i was there. I went to a state park for my whole visit and just camped out.

Temperate Rainforest:

The Month is july, i am in New Zealand. Big coniferous trees and deciduous trees dominate this habitat, In addition to the trees, mosses and lichens are  common. deer, bears, coyotes and diversity of slugs are animals often found in this area. 
While on my trip i went to the zoo and saw the diversity of animals, they were much different than the animals at the indianapolis zoo. i spent the rest of my time skiing and going on camping trips. 


The month is June, I am in canada. the tundra is the coldest of all the biomes. Canada has extremely low temperatures, little precipitation, poor nutrients, and short growing seasons. Herbivorous include lemmings, voles, caribou, arctic hares and squirrels, and some Carnivorous mammals: arctic foxes, wolves, and polar bears.  the Plants are short and group together to resist the cold temperatures.
In canada i went to the toronto zoo and saw all the animals, they had the most adorable pandas. I visited canada’s wonderland and went on all the rides, it was the most fun i’ve had on my trip so far! I also visited niagra falls.

Tropical Rainforest:

The month is May, i am in French Guiana. The tropical rain forest is a forest of tall trees in a region where it is warm year round. the average yearly rainfall is 50 to 260 inches. The temperature in a rain forest rarely gets higher than 93 °F a day. There is usually a shorter season with brief rain, but there is no real dry season. There are many  tall trees in french guiana, Over 2,500 species of vines, and small shrubs that grow on the forest floor. Insects make up the largest single group of inhabitants that live in tropical forests, although the animal population is vast. You can find animals such as mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians.
in French Guiana i spent much of my time taking group walks through the rainforest. It was quite humid all the time and the rain seemed to never stop. I  also took a ride on an elephants back through the rainforest.


The Month is April, i am in argentina Summers are hot to warm and winters are cool to cold. There are small canyon like landforms on the shrublands but there are not extreme canyons like the Grand Canyon. typically receive between 200 to 1,000 millimeters of rain a year the rain varies month to month. Mammals include prairie dogs, jack rabbits, ground squirrels, and gophers and larger running herbivores such as bison, pronghorn antelope, and elk. While the carnivores include things like badgers, coyotes, ferrets, wolves, and cougars. the plan life includes things like shrubs or short trees. 
While i was there i want to the museum of Latin american art, all the artwork was interesting. i also when to Recoleta, it is a fashionable, upscale neighborhood is lined with cafes, boutiques and galleries and morphs into a street fair, i had so much fun a really saw a lot of cultural things. 

Subtropical Desert:

The month is March, i am in Egypt. Egypt was one of the most exciting trips on my whole adventure. While in Egypt i visited many beaches, they were all beautiful i enjoyed my time at everyone i went to. I also went to the great pyramid of cheops, Khafres pyramid and the great sphinx. All of these attractions were amazing, the complexity of their design astonished me. It was awesome to find out about them and then relate back to many many years ago. I learned how to say my name is, My name is” is simply said using one word: “Ismy.”

Temperate Grasslands:

The month is February, My birth Month. i am in Punta Arenas, Chile. One day, my friends and i decided to visit a penguin colony at the Otway sound, we had the best time watching the little penguin waddle around. I went sailing and watched as the beautiful shores went by. One night before i went out to dinner i stopped by the regional salesianer museum. Time really flew when i was on my trip in Punta Arenas but i’m excited to get on with the rest of my trip

Tropical Seasonal Rainforest:

The month is January, i'm in Zambia Africa. I am planning on staying here for a month and then moving on to the next adventure on my list.The two main seasons include the rainy season (November to April) corresponding to summer, and the dry season (May/June to October/November), corresponding to winter. While on my travels I have seen many rivers traveling through Zambia, I tanned with the village children most days as I watched them play in the water until sunset. Many smaller tribes and european culture have influenced the Culture here, the food is based on maize a flower that gets made into a porridge and is served with vegetables, meat, fish or sour milk. I found myself playing Cricket and Rugby almost everyday with the other villagers here the people also enjoy playing football. The economy has been based on copper mining for a long time, they fell into poverty after the international copper price went down. I saw many animals while on this trip, I saw a lot of Antelopes and Giraffes. The tribe I stayed with took elephant rides one night and I could not wait to tag along. 

                                           Around the world in 9 Biomes
 Travel Plans:

  1. Tropical Seasonal Forest(January)
  2. Temperate Grasslands(Febuary)
  3. Subtropical Desert(March)
  4. Woodland/Shrubland(April)
  5. Tropical Rainforest(May)
  6. Temprate Rainforest(June)
  7. Tundra(July)
  8. Boreal Forest(August)
  9. Temperate Deciduous Forest(September)